Biography: NISSEN, George P.

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NISSEN, George P. Inducted: 1965 Born: Blairstown, Iowa George Nissen revolutionized gymnastic competition in numerous ways. In 1958, he attended the World Gymnastics Championships in Moscow, and, at an opportune moment, he asked me to help him inspect the Soviet equipment in detail. We measured and drew, and in the process George said he got … Read more

Biography: LEWIS, George  (1920-1987)

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LEWIS, George  (1920-1987) Inducted: 1975 Born: Northfield, Illinois George Lewis has been referred to as “The father of women’s gymnastics in Washington State” in much the same as Hubie Dunn has been given the same honor regarding men’s gymnastics in the state. Most of George’s work was conducted at the Seattle YMCA where he was … Read more

Biography: KERN, Gutav “Gus”

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KERN, Gutav “Gus” Inducted: 1960 Gus Kern along with Roy Moore and John Bissinger was one of the forefathers of American gymnastics. In 1908, one hundred Americans entered the AA competition of nine gymnastic and three events called “Zwoelkampf,” the feature event of the “Deutsches Turnfest” World’s Tournament. Only seven made the coveted prize list, … Read more

Biography: HEINEMANN, Gustav “Gus”

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HEINEMANN, Gustav “Gus” Inducted: 1959 – Among Original class of Honorees Born: Not Available “Gus” Heinemann was one of the early women’s gymnastic coaches. He was the first to start a gymnastics team at LaCrosse. preceding coaches Wittich and Reuter. The LaCrosse gymnastic team later became a Division II-III power under Jim Howard, 1999 GHOF … Read more

Biography: GULACK, George

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GULACK, George (1905-1987) Inducted: 1959 – Among Original class of Honorees Born: Latvia   George’s acquired Olympic Gold on the rings at the 1932 Olympic Games, Los Angeles, USA. He began training at age 11 and was Latvia’s AA champion at an early age.  He immigrated to America, New York City at age 15 or … Read more

Biography: GEORGE, Gerald S.

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GEORGE, Gerald S. Inducted: 1990 Born: New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Gerald George liked gymnastics, so he started by learning a few tricks. Before he knew it, he was an All-Around performer in meets and championships competing against the best gymnasts in America. That is only the beginning of his life as an important contributor to … Read more


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EYSER, George GEORGE EYSER – Honored Guest Submitted by Jerry Wright, Gymnastics Lifetime Award Recipient CONCORDIA TURNERS OLYMPIC CHAMPION Instead of grabbing a tin cup and begging on the street corner this man, undaunted, became one of the best athletes in the world. An Interesting& Especially Talented Gymnastics Individual:According to “Sports,” George was born … Read more

Biography: BERRY, Glenn

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BERRY, Glenn (1906-1996) Inducted: 1988   It’s not for sure that Glenn Berry was at every gymnastic meet in which I competed as a youth in high school and college, and it is sure that he was at most of them.  He would judge an event and at its conclusion whisper a hint of encouragement or … Read more

Biography: BECKSTEAD, George

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BECKSTEAD, George Inducted: 2002 Born: August 22, 1938 George Beckstead contributed to the development of gymnastics in the U.S. in many significant ways.  George was selected by his USAG peers after many years of service to the sport as a contestant, coach, and judge at local, regional, national, and international levels. As a youth, there … Read more

Biography: ZITTA, Fred

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ZITTA, Fred  (1893-1972) Inducted: 1964 Born: Holyoke, MA   Fred Zitta was known as a “Renaissance Man”.  He believed in modern dance as a tool for physical development. What better discipline to coach artistic gymnasts to be fluid in motion, punctuate each movement or series of movements with grace and finality, and create the personification … Read more