Biography: BEDARD, Irvin

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BEDARD, Irvin “Irv” Inducted: 1993 Born: Chicago, April 8, 1927, Chicago, Illinois   Seems hard to believe that there could be more disappointment than that suffered by the USA boycott of the Olympics in Moscow, 1980, but Irvin Bedard had to be very disappointed after finishing 1st in the Olympic Trials Tumbling event thus making … Read more

Biography: VOGEL, Herbert

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VOGEL, Herbert (1932-2001) Inducted: 1974 Born: Chicago, Illinois Herb Vogel is generally regarded as “The Father of Women’s Collegiate Gymnastics. He initiated a Women’s Gymnastic Team at So. Illinois U. (SIU) in 1962 and won every competition until 1968. Competitor: Herb Vogel competed in the AA at Indiana University, (1949-’53). Coaching: Herb started a women’s … Read more

Biography: VICE, Holly Diane

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VISE, Holly Diane Inducted: 2008-Team Member: Gold Medal World Championship Team, (2003)   According to University of Oklahoma Coach A.J. Kindler, “When I got to campus, I met with her Holly, and she was 30 pounds overweight, out of shape and had no intention of competing. I told her my expectations, and they started with … Read more

Biography: SMIDL, Henry  (1894-1985)

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SMIDL, Henry  (1894-1985) Inducted: 1960 Henry Smidl was a Czech-American from the West Side of Chicago almost single-handedly introduced gymnastics to Illinois high schools. Gymnastics originated in America almost exclusively as an ethnic sport practiced by Czechs and Slovaks in Sokol Clubs and by Germans in Turner Halls. In 1924, Smidl, who was teaching on … Read more

Biography: SCHROEDER, Henry

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SCHROEDER, Henry Inducted: 1963 Henry Schroeder was a living legend in the American Turners to the extent that the organization posthumously established a Henry Schroeder Memorial Award in his memory. The Turner organization recognized Henry Schroeder as being regarded by several generations of N.Y. Turners as the foremost influence in living their lives according to … Read more

Biography: SCHIGET, Henry (1904-1969)

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SCHIGET, Henry (1904 – 1969) Inducted: 1974 Born: Charleroi, PA Henry Schiget was an energetic mover and shaker in the Turner world of gymnastics. His program insights rivaled those of the universities of America that had discovered the world of gymnastics. In the Turner world, gymnastics is the hub of physical activity, and numerous future … Read more

Biography: SCHIFANO-SJURSEN, Helen (1922-2007)

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SCHIFANO-SJURSEN, Helen (1922-2007) Inducted: 1974   Jerry Wright writes, “Helen Schifano-Sjursen was competing at a national level after only three years in the sport.  She was so good . . . that her coach would not put her in some meets for fear of discouraging other gymnasts.”  It appears that Helen had a great deal … Read more

Biography: PRICE, Hartley

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PRICE, Hartley  (1902-1977) Inducted: 1959 Original class of Honorees Born: Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Dr. Hartley Price has been described as a coach who refused to lose.  A former Australian educator, Hartley became Head Gymnastics Coach at the U. of Illinois and turned the program into a national power.  He was a very positive man with … Read more

Biography: NELSON, Harry G.

NELSON, Harry G. Inducted: 1964 Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Harry Nelson is one of the few high school gymnastics coaches to be inducted into the U.S. Gymnastic Hall of Fame. Not only was he an excellent coach, he was an innovator. Although he was only a student at Temple University for one year, his efforts to … Read more

Biography: McKEE, Helm

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McKEE, Helm Inducted: 1993 Had it not been for politics and WWII Helm McKee may well have been on three Olympic Teams, (1936, 1940, & 1944).  The Olympic Games of 1936 in Berlin, Germany marked the first entry of an American women’s gymnastics team into Olympic competition. Helm McKee, one of the top USA women, … Read more