Biography: JONES, Jola

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JONES, Jola Inducted: 2014 Lifetime Achievement Honoree Photo: Jola is under the WWW letters; judges table in Poland. If you have been involved in Acrobatics for any period of time, over the last 25 years, you are familiar with Jola Jones. If you are new to Acrobatics, you will soon come to realize Jola Jones … Read more

Biography: Jessica Howard

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HOWARD, Jessica Inducted: 2015 Born: Jacksonville, Flordia Howard missed qualifying for the 2000 Olympic team at two competitions, each time falling just .001 points shy of winning the event and a berth in the Olympic Games.  That accomplishment, however, is the only glaring omission on her rhythmic gymnastics resume that includes earning the national championship … Read more

Biography: Hollembeak, Jill

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Hollembeak, Jill Inducted: 2011 Born: Rockford, Illinois “At my first world championship (1982)my family (Mom, Dad, Sister and Brother, Aunt Kathy and Grandma and Grandpa) all road tripped to Bozeman, Montana from Illinois in a Motor Home, and they  literally camped out to be able to watch me compete.  When the meet was over, my … Read more

Biography: HENNESSY, Jeff

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HENNESSY, Jeff Inducted: 1992 Born: October 27, 1929  Most parents take walks and go on picnics with their children. Jeff Hennessy did these things with his children, also, but, in addition, he went bouncing with them on a steady basis. He produced and coached more World and National trampoline, tumbling, and mini-tramp champions than anyone … Read more

Biography: HARTUNG, Jim

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HARTUNG, Jim Olympic Gold Medal Team Induction: 1984 Individual Induction: 1997 Born: June 7, 1960   Jim Hartung is quite possibly the most consistent male gymnast in the history of collegiate competition, having averaged something like 9.4 for all six events during all of his four years at the University of Nebraska. In the NCAA … Read more

Biography: HARDY, Jerry

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HARDY, Jerry Inducted: 1989 Having been in a number of national and international competitions where Jerry Hardy was with the team, I propose to provide testimony that he was the “go-to” man whether he was judging or acting as the team manager. He was the person that managed to have the athletes at the right … Read more


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GIALLOMBARDO, JOE Inducted: 1966 1917-2011 Born: Cleveland, Ohio Joe Giallombardo is one of the many who found that winning individual medals and setting records at the elite collegiate level just wasn’t enough. He made a career of the sport and contributed to the development of many top gymnasts as a mentor and coach. He has … Read more

Biography: GEIER, Jake

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GEIER, Jake  (1917-2005) Inducted: 1992 Born: Montrose, Colorado Jake Geier was first and foremost a very successful gymnastics coach.  The athletes as well as his peers respected him, and they showed their respect with special awards and accolades. Competitor: Jake received training and competed at the University of Nebraska.  During his competition years, gymnastics was … Read more

Biography: GAULT, Jim

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GAULT, Jim Inducted: 1992 Born:  Los Angeles, CA 1936 Jim Gault is another outstanding gymnastic coach who had a style of coaching that gave his athletes confidence in their ability to learn, perform, and win.  It is probable that he learned to coach gymnastics well since he had to learn much about the competitive nature … Read more

Biography: FIE-Klein, Jacquelyn

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FIE-Klein, Jacquelyn J. “Jackie” Inducted: 1979 Born: July 11, 1937.  Chicago, Illinois   Gymnastics has changed drastically since the television airing of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany where 17 year old Olga Korbut captivated the world with her amazing courage and pixie-like performances. However, it may not be conspicuous that people devoting a … Read more