Biography: WRIGHT, Jerry

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WRIGHT, Jerry Lifetime Achievement Honoree: 2001 Born: September 25, 1935  Jerry Wright was the Founding Father of the Men’s National Gymnastics Judges Association. In his efforts to standardize judging on a national and international level, he was a pioneer in the dissemination of information about the science of judging men’s gymnastics. He was a teammate … Read more

Biography: WILLS-Cline, Judy

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WILLS-Cline, Judy Inducted: 1993 Every gymnast who wishes to progress must have a divergent, creative mind when it comes to developing performance routines. Some have even run old films backwards to see if any stunt or combination of stunts might be reversed. In our reveries, we sometimes laugh at the routines we mentally compose since … Read more

Biography: TODD, Jerry

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TODD, Jerry Inducted: 1978 Born: L.A. California Respectfully dubbed “The King of Invitational Gymnastics”, Jerry hosted, judged, or was chief commentator for over 100 invitational men’s and women’s competitions. Jerry’s “Pasadena Invitational” (P.N.I.) attracted world-class competitors from Japan, Switzerland, Germany, China, Spain, Russia, & Australia plus numerous college gymnasts who considered an invitation a special … Read more

Biography: TANAC-SCHROEDER, Joyce

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TANAC-SCHROEDER, Joyce Inducted: 1990 Born: Seattle, Washington-USA Joyce Tanac-Schroeder has a unique record under her belt. She has won all five events in a single competition more than once. These meet “scoops” began during her Jr. Gymnastics days, and culminated in the 1969 National AAU Championships. That’s a lot of gymnastics’ medals for only one … Read more

Biography: SCHABACKER, Dr. Joseph C.

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SCHABACKER, Dr. Joseph C. Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: 2007 Joe Schabacker was a major player in the world of gymnastics and acrobatics for many years. At the recent (2007) HOF Induction Ceremony, we spoke briefly, and, surprisingly, he remembered me. We joked a bit about my gymnastics, and I came back a bit with comments … Read more

Biography: Jennifer Sans-Abeln

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SANS-ABELN, Jennifer Inducted: 2015 Born: Kansas City Jennifer in the center, between passes during winning individual Gold for Women’s Double Mini trampoline at 1996 World’s in Vancouver, Canada.  Also in photo are Kimberly Sans (L) and Jennifer Parilla (R). American Team-Gold at 1996 World Championships. Erin Maguire, Kimberly Sans, Jamie Strandmark and Jennifer Sans. Sans … Read more

Biography: ROZANAS, James

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ROZANAS, James Inducted: 1960 James Rozanas was the man to lead you if you had designs on becoming an elite gymnastics competitor. He was known as being demanding, and expected his athletes to do stunts, combinations, and exercises until they learned it well. His disciplinary ways have been compared to those of Bela Karolyi. Every … Read more


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ROETHLISBERGER, John Inducted: 2005 Born: June 21, 1970 John Roethlisberger’ father, Fred, a 1968 Olympian, coached his son to the apogee of the Roethlisberger dynasty throughout the ‘90’s and into the 21st Century. His sister, Marie, was the alternate for the women’s Olympic Team in 1984. John’s persona included a personality that was highly respected … Read more

Biography: Phelps-McClure, Jaycie

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Phelps-McClure, Jaycie Team Induction: 1998 Individual Induction: 2003 Born: September 26, 1979.  Indianapolis, Indiana Jaycie Phelps won many medals, but her story really consists of courage and determination. Gymnastics is full of bumps and bruises from time to time, but there is an injury severity factor that can happen and be overwhelming if not catastrophic. … Read more

Biography: PARILLA, Jennifer

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PARILLA, Jennifer Inducted: 2010 Whenever she felt her focus waning, Jennifer Parilla played her favorite mind game. She imagined she was at the Olympics with everything on the line. She would hear a voice inside her say, “If you do this sequence well, you’ll win the Olympic gold medal.” Explains Parilla: “There are two kinds … Read more