Biography: WOLCOTT, Frank

WOLCOTT, Frank Inducted: 1976 Born: Bridgeport, Connecticut Frank Wolcott has made valuable contributions to gymnastics as an athlete, a coach, and a provider of services to our sport. He has been recognized among the best of the gymnastics coaches by his peers, and has seen gymnastics in the U.S. move through numerous periods of troughs … Read more

Biography: TUROFF, Frederick Robert  “Fred”

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TUROFF, Frederick Robert  “Fred” Inducted: 2009 Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Fred Turoff began his gymnastics career in the Philadelphia junior high public league and competed with the Mannettes and Philadelphia Turners as well. His family moved to Connecticut when he was in the 9th grade. He eventually became a two-time state high school all-around champion for … Read more

Biography: STEEVES, Frederick “Ted”  (1906-1983)

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STEEVES, Frederick “Ted”  (1906-1983) Inducted: 1966 Born: Milford, MA Ted Steeves excelled in football and baseball in college but only became interested in gymnastics while watching the Springfield College Gym Show. He used his athletic skills and experience to coach football and basketball and to bring high school boy’s gymnastics to Massachusetts. His dedicated pioneering … Read more


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ROETHLISBERGER, Fred Inducted: 1990 Born: February 28, 1943 Every four to eight years, U.S. gymnastics seems to be dominated by one or two gymnasts to the extent that these years may be thought of as eras. There was the John “Jack” Beckner era during my time as a competitor. Then came the Sakemoto era with … Read more

Biography: ORLOFSKY, Fred

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ORLOFSKY, Fred Inducted: 1985 Born: April 8, 1937, Jersey City, NJ  Since 1996 the Nissen Award has been considered the “Heisman Trophy of Gymnastics.” It is given annually and is inscribed with this motto: “The true champion seeks excellence physically, mentally, socially, and morally.” The award didn’t exist during Fred’s competitive time, but the motto … Read more

Biography: MEYER, Fredrick

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MEYER, Fredrick Inducted: 1959 – Among Original class of Honorees Frederick Meyer was a gymnast who became an Olympian, a stockbroker and a teacher of gymnastics. And all his training and teaching and judging was a matter of passion.  In reading about the activities that made up his day, it seems possible that he had … Read more

Biography: KRIZ, Frank

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KRIZ, Frank Inducted: 1959 – Among the Original class of Honorees Born: March 26, 1894 Olympic Games: Kriz’s Olympic experience had numerous unique elements. He was one of a four-man team that was the first to travel overseas for Olympic competition, Antwerp, Belgium, (1920); Gold-V*, Paris, France, (1924); Team member, (1928); Kriz’s coach was Roy … Read more

Biography: KANIS, Franz  “Frank”

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KANIS, Franz  “Frank” Inducted: 1960 Very little information has survived most of our early gymnastic greats, but, by the inductive process of thinking, we may speculate with a high degree of probability that he continued to teach/coach gymnastics at the Newark Turnverein after retiring from competition. He may have held other positions or jobs, but … Read more

Biography: HAUBOLD, Frank

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HAUBOLD, Frank (1906-1985) Inducted: 1959 – Among Original class of Honorees Frank Haubold began gymnastics at the Swiss Turn Verein in his birth place of Union City, NJ.  He learned quickly and won early as a junior competitor. After his competition days, he continued to contribute as an AAU delegate for the Swiss, as a … Read more

Biography: ENDO, Frank

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ENDO, Frank Japanese Gymnastics Association Ko-ro-sho (Hall of Fame) Honoree: 1990 Born: 1923, Wilmington, CA Unofficial Gymnastics Ambassador to Japan and one of the most versatile individuals ever to serve the sport of gymnastics. BACKGROUND: Frank was a gymnast, soldier, judge, guide, and interpreter. He started in gymnastics at 14 when he saw a high … Read more