Biography: HOLMES, Harold “Hal”

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HOLMES, Harold “Hal” Inducted: 2003 Born: Urbana, Illinois – 1941 There is little doubt that during the late ‘50’s and early ‘60’s, Hal Holmes was considered by most gymnastic enthusiasts to be the greatest tumbler in the world. Had tumbling been a separate event or if Hal Holmes had been a FX competitor, he would … Read more

Biography: FREY, Harold

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FREY, Harold Inducted: 1970 Born: June 7, 1924 “I wish everyone could experience the joy of winning a national individual championship, but nothing compares to being part of a team that wins a national championship where the thrills, the disappointments, and the difficult journey to team gold are all shared,” Hal expressed this wish that … Read more

Biography: DUNN, Hubert “Hubie”

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DUNN, Hubert “Hubie” Inducted: 1973 Born: November 01, 1921   Dr. Hubert Dunn is the “Father of Collegiate Gymnastics” in the state of Washington, and his influence had to be felt throughout the Northwest. He was a gymnast, a gymnastics coach of champions, a professor, and a U.S. Naval Officer. He also contributed to our … Read more

Biography: BJERKE, Harold “Harry” W.

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BJERKE, Harold “Harry” W. Inducted: 2005 Born: July 16, 1940 – New York, NY Harold Bjerke enjoyed and was successful at coaching gymnastics; however, he gradually came to believe that his greatest contribution to our sport would be to place himself in a position to operate in the judging arena on both the national and … Read more

Biography: WHELAN, Dr. Gene “Jay”

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WHELAN, Dr. Gene Inducted: 2007 Born: Bedford, New Hampshire   Gene Whelan had a driving force to be a competitor in the big leagues. His heart came with the fire of Olympic Gold. You will also read that he was and continues to be a true engineering academician. His academic studies at the University of … Read more

Biography: WHEELER, George

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WHEELER, George (1914-1990) Inducted: 1959 – Among Original class of Honorees  “George Wheeler was credited with a very scientific mind that allowed him to delve deeply into the science of gymnastics through a thorough study of fundamental principles.  This combined with many hours of practice made him a national champion of almost unparalleled success,” writes … Read more

Biography: WEISS, Gregor “Greg”

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WEISS, Gregor “Greg” Inducted: 1991 Greg Weiss was a teammate of mine in the Tokyo Olympic Games. He was a hard worker, and possessed true artistic talent. He competed for Penn State U. during his college years and learned quickly. He coached at the USAFA for a while before starting his teaching career. The Weiss … Read more

Biography: SZYPULA, George

SZYPULA, George Inducted: 1970 Born: June 24, 1921, Philadelphia, PA George’s epithet as “Mr. Durable” comes from fifty years of coaching, and he’s still counting. Four years after George Szypula won the last of his four national AAU tumbling titles (1940-43), he accepted a coaching position at Michigan State University (MSU). In forty-two years as … Read more

Biography: SUNDBY, Glenn

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SUNDBY, Glenn (1921-2008) Inducted: 1968 Born: 1921, Minneapolis, MN   Affectionately known as “Mr. Handstand”, Glenn was the father of competitive gymnastics information distribution. Los Angeles City High School Championships– University High School- Bronze, PB, 1939 (Van Dixon, Coach). Contributions: Produced the first 6 issues of Acrobat in 1948 followed by a short-lived Acrochat.  The … Read more

Biography: O’QUINN, Garland

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O’QUINN, Garland “Gar” Inducted: 1995 Born: Ft. Worth, TX July 1, 1935 As Gar’s teammate in Rome, I perceived that his personal work ethic, and the encouragement he directed toward his fellow teammates where huge factors in the outstanding Olympic performances of the USA gymnasts; nevertheless, we could only watch in silent awe as the … Read more