Biography: SASVARY, Laszlo “Les”

SASVARY, Laszlo “Les” Inducted: 1991 Born: Eger, Hungary    Hungarian Translation Les Sasvary was a friend, and whenever he was in the gym during a training session in the Los Angeles area, he always was able to find a way to help me and other young gymnasts become a little better. He had a way … Read more

Biography: RINGNALD, Lance

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RINGNALD, Lance Inducted: 2001 Born: Des Moines, Iowa Lance was the son of 2 former college gymnasts, and that had to help him in 1988 to earn the distinction of being the youngest male member of a U.S. Olympic Team in twenty years. Two years prior to the 1988 Olympics Lance moved to Albuquerque, NM … Read more

Biography: PERRY, L. R.

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PERRY, L. R. Inducted: 1968 L.R. Perry is recognized as the “Father of Gymnastics in the State of Kansas” where he taught classes as well as competitive gymnastics at Lawrence High School in the Lawrence, Kansas public school system for 33 years, (1945-1964).  He is another one of a few U.S. Gymnastics Hall of Fame … Read more

Biography: METHENY-Mulvihill, Linda Jo

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METHENY-Mulvihill, Linda Jo Inducted: 1985 Born: Pensacola, Florida Linda Metheny considers that her most important contribution to women’s gymnastics was her 1968 BB performance that made her the first American to compete in the finals. She finished fourth. I suspect that she’s correct about the importance of her placing in the top four on BB … Read more

Biography: MANG, Louis

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MANG, Louis Inducted: 1959 – Among Original class of Honorees Born: Not Available It’s possible to never really know just how important a role a coach has played in your life until you let a number of years pass and then begin to reminisce. The kind of coaches who almost always have winning teams must … Read more

Biography: JUDD, Leslie

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JUDD, Leslie Inducted: 1959-Original class of Honorees Born: Brisbane, Australia Numerous factors have contributed to the origins and development of American gymnastics, and they have influenced gymnastics as we know it now; e.g., the U.S. Wars, the immigration of gymnastics people, and U.S. laws have all contributed to the waves and troughs that gymnastics has … Read more

Biography: HENNESSY, Leigh

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HENNESSY, Leigh Inducted: 2007 Born: Lafayette, IN-USA Leigh Hennessy and her father, Jeff Hennessy, will be the only father and daughter combination in the Hall of Fame. Beyond her trampoline skills, Leigh is a master of movement, and this almost savant talent has served her well after her competition years were completed.  Even though she … Read more

Biography: CHENCINSKI, Linda

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CHENCINSKI, Linda Inducted: 1989 Born: Long Island, New York It is a distinct pleasure to write about as well as interview Linda Chencinski. After writing over 170 GHOF Inductees’ bios, Linda’s career seems to have made as great a positive impact on women’s gymnastics as any other inductee. Lest we forget, the AAU controlled women’s … Read more

Biography: BORDO, Louis John

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BORDO, Louis John Inducted: 1971 Olympic Games: Team member, London, England, (1948); Named Honorary Olympic Team Member of 1944 team by the National Collegiate Gymnastics Alumni Association (NCGAA) consulting with former HOF Honorees and Olympians, (See NCGAA Newsletter, April, 2002). National AAU Championships: Bronze-AA, (1943); Silver-PB, (1948). National Collegiate Athletic Association Championships: Competing for Penn … Read more