Biography: CUMISKEY, Frank

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CUMISKEY, Frank (1912-2004) Inducted: 1959 – Among the Original class of Honorees   Cumiskey was a three time Olympian and, but for WWII, would probably have been a five time Olympian.  He was a gymnastic archivist and a true friend to the athletes.  What better praise can be given a great leader? Olympic Games: Silver-Team, … Read more

Biography: BARE, Frank Sr.

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BARE, Frank Sr. Inducted USGHOF: 1984 Inducted: IGHOF – 1999 Born: St. Louis, MO 1930 In the Lifetime Achievement category, Frank Bare, Sr. has earned a position of honor through his leadership in all aspects of the sport. During his long and illustrious presence on the national and international stage, he competed as an athlete, … Read more

Biography: ALLEN, Francis & HOWARD, Jim

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ALLEN, Francis & HOWARD, Jim Coaching Team Induction: 1999 Francis Allen Francis Allen was born in Cleveland, OH and Jim Howard in Sioux City, IO. When they joined as co-coaches at Nebraska University, from a purely statistical standpoint, they became, along with Gene Wettstone of Penn State possibly the most successful NCAA coaches of all … Read more

Biography: The Fierce Five – Gabrielle Douglas, McKayla Maroney, Alaxandra “Aly” Raisman, Kyla Ross, Jordan Wieber


WOMEN’S 2012 U.S. OLYMPIC  TEAM: “THE FIERCE FIVE.” GOLD MEDAL TEAM CHAMPIONS: 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES Gabrielle Douglas, McKayla Maroney, Alaxandra “Aly” Raisman, Kyla Ross, Jordan Wieber Inducted: 2013 From Left to right: Kyla Ross, Alaxandra “Aly” Raisman, McKayla Maroney, Jordan Wieber, Gabrielle “Gabby” Doulgas Gabrielle “Gabby” Douglas Getting Started: Gabrielle Douglas began training in gymnastics … Read more

Biography: WETTSTONE, Eugene

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WETTSTONE, Eugene Inducted: 1963 1913 – 2013   One of the 1st recipients of the National Gymnastics Governing Board’s “Master of Sport” Award and considered the “Dean of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches”, Wettstone gave the sport of gymnastics amazing gifts of safety, visibility, and affection that transferred to his many protégés. Olympic Games: Coach, London, England, … Read more

Biography: WACHTEL, Erna (1907-1995)

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WACHTEL, Erna (1907-1995) Inducted: 1974 Born: Germany Erna Wachtel was one of the first pioneers to enter the world of U.S. gymnastics. She came to the U.S. in 1926 with a background in Turner gymnastics, and she continued to learn and compete winning gold in numerous local and sectional AAU competitions. After her competition days … Read more

Biography: SCROBE, Edward

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SCROBE, Edward Inducted: 1980 Born: January 26, 1923, New York, NY Edward Scrobe was the top American scorer in two Olympic Games.  He won a total of nine national titles and earned national medals in five of the six men’s events.  His event exercises were punctuated by artistry in the highest tradition of gymnastics competition. … Read more

Biography: RUSSELL, Ernestine

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RUSSELL, Ernestine Inducted: 1986 Born: Windsor, Ontario-Canada Ernestine Russell is one of the most successful gymnasts and coaches in the annals of gymnastic history. In addition, even though it has been many years since I watched her perform and was able to meet her in Moscow and later in Rome, I have never forgotten the … Read more

Biography: RAY, Mary Elise

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RAY, Mary Elise Inducted: 2011 Born: Tallahassee, FL Usually it is injuries that spell the difference between champions and also-rans. However in the case of Elise Ray it was a vaulting horse that was set too low.   Half-way through the 2000 Sydney Olympics it was discovered that the vaulting horse was too low; Ray and … Read more

Biography: PREISS, Emil

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PREISS, Emil Inducted: 1964 Born: Germany Deutsche Turnfest-Cologne, Germany AA [T]Karl Reuter (Lft.) Emil Preiss (Rt.) FRIENDS FOR LIFE Emil Preiss is another individual who made important contributions to the development of American gymnastics. He learned as a competitor and took his championship skills into the gym to help college and junior gymnasts to learn … Read more